The New Narrative: How data is changing the way we tell stories online
Aron Pilhofer, The New York Times
Share#ISOJ12 @pilhofer takes stage to talk about Big Data analysis. This is one of the most exciting new opportunities for journalists
Share.@pilhofer says spreadsheets excite him. We need more people in journalism like that. #isoj12
Share“information that can be processed by computers” Simple enough. #datajournalism #isoj12
ShareChanging your thinking about data: Fractions of a Second: An Olympic Musical #ISOJ12 Pilhofer
ShareJournalists doing great data work include @politifact, @CaliforniaWatch says the NYT’s @pilhofer at #isoj12 in Austin
Share“Data is changing the way we tell stories online” Aron Pilhofer. Editor de Noticias Interactivas del @nytimes #ISOJ12
Brian Boyer, Chicago Tribune
ShareNews applications are a craft. They need to be inspirational, blah blah blah, but they need to be useful. Boyer, #isoj12
Share@BrianBoyer Our work sings when it helps the user find their own story in the data. #isoj12
Alberto Cairo, University of Miami
Share@albertocairo Worried about dumbing down data in infographics, not allowing users to explore. #isoj12
ShareToo often, data journalism is forcing readers to become their own editors, says @albertocairo. We need to help them with that #isoj12
ShareJourno is about reporting, but data journo needs to help readers extract meaning. – @albertocairo at #ISOJ #ISOJ12
ShareVisual Info: Overview first, zoom and filter, then details on-demand > Ben Shneiderman #isoj #isoj12
ShareBlog post: @albertocairo on making data visualisation useful for audiences #ISOJ12 #ISOJ
Alastair Dant, The Guardian
Share@ajdant Can make a visualization from data directly. Wikileaks data: playback of events in space and time. #isoj12
ShareThe theme of this data journalism panel is you need to be a sharp editor to make data useful, not just art. #true #isoj12
ShareData is raw material. You have to edit to reveal the ways its interesting to people via @ajdant at #ISOJ #ISOJ12
Share.@ajdant is sharing details about to create a standard set of tools and sharing them with us. SWEET! #ISOJ12
Angelica Peralta Ramos, multimedia development manager, La Nación, Buenos Aires, Argentina
ShareLa Nacion (Argentina) has seen a 4% growth rate in print circulation over the past several years. U.S. papers would kill for that. #isoj12
Share@momiperalta Argentina not part of Open Data Partnership. No data portal. But there is hope – data opening from hacktivist world. #isoj12
ShareRT @jonl @momiperalta La Nacion wants to do data journalism but had no team of programmers. However had team willing to learn. #isoj12
ShareBA’s La Nacion makes good case study for small news team w/out programmers to get into data journalism. via @momiperalta at #ISOJ #ISOJ12
ShareBlog: @momiperalta provides insights into data journalism in Argentina #ISOJ12 #ISOJ
ShareBlog: @momiperalta provides insights into data journalism in Argentina #ISOJ12 #ISOJ
Ben Welsh, LA Times
ShareCheck out the links from @palewire’s talk: #ISOJ12
ShareAll work is computer assisted. Only journalism differentiates. via @palewire at #ISOJ #ISOJ12
Share@palewire 1) Find a simple, repetitive, dynamic data stream. #isoj12
Share@palewire 2) Pull, parse to database, put it on loop. #isoj12
Share@palewire 3) Write code that will ask and answer the reporter’s common questions. #isoj12
Share@palewire 4) Get the highest bails in the new data. #isoj12
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